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Friday, October 8, 2010


With just 24 days to go, Republicans have the lead in 10 states for the senate, and in the House

Ideologically, our president portrayed himself as an agent of change. He denied the seemingly inevitable ascension of the former First Lady, to the position of “leader of the free world”. He doctored his speeches to conceal the evident phraseology favoring Marxist governance, and plowed through the American people who decried his calls for socialized medicine, Keynesian fiscal policy, federal takeover of private entities, and further destruction of our dollar. Now, we stand a mere 3+ weeks from REAL change.

Here are the latest RealClearPolitics.com polling averages of the 10 key states that Republicans must win, to unseat Prince Harry:

Colorado - Ken Buck - 48%, Michael Bennet (incumbent) - 44%

Illinois - Mark Kirk - 41%, Alexi Giannoulias - 39.8%

Nevada - Sharron Angle - 43.8%, Harry Reid (incumbent) - 43.5%

West Virginia - John Raese - 48%, Joe Manchin - 43.5%

Pennsylvania - Pat Toomey - 47%, Joe Sestak - 40.4%

Wisconsin - Ron Johnson - 52.3%, Russ Feingold (incumbent) - 42.3%

Indiana - Dan Coats - 50.5%, Brad Ellsworth - 33.5%

Arkansas - John Boozman - 54.7%, Blanche Lincoln (incumbent) - 35%

North Dakota - John Hoeven - 69.7%, Tracy Potter - 23.2%

Connecticut - Richard Blumenthal - 52.4%, Linda McMahon - 43.2%

In the states that the Republican candidate has the lead in, 6 of them have a lead of greater than 5 percentage points. In California and Washington the incumbent Democrats (Barbara Boxer and Patti Murray), are under 50%.  If Dino Rossi or Carly Fiorina can get a late surge, the Republicans will return to power. Astoundingly, Joe Manchin, governor of West Virginia, has a solid approval rating, yet trails in his senate bid. Clearly, a sign of absolute repudiation of this president.

On the House side, all signs point to a GOP takeover there, too.  Current projections have the Republicans with 210 seats, and the Democrats with just 181. Incumbents who have spent a generation in power, are either trailing, or hanging on for dear life. Recently, Nancy Pelosi was quoted as saying that for every dollar a person receives in food stamps, $1.79 gets put back into the economy, and "It is the biggest bang for the buck when you do food stamps and unemployment insurance. The biggest bang for the buck”. It is extraordinarily clear that the powers that be in our legislature…moreover, the “elites” who concern themselves more with inventing new ways to consolidate their power, care more about enslaving the American people into federal welfare programs, than empowering us as a people to be independent. From cap and tax, to universal health care, to laws regulating what we can and cannot eat, to violating the 2nd amendment, to appointing Czars to carry out tasks with NO foresight from elected officials who directly represent the people, the promises of this president of transparency and accountable government were blatant, horrific lies. He rode a tidal wave of anti-Republican feelings, and fed off of fear of President Bush. Aided by the liberal media in covering up his radical agenda, the American people entrusted him to clean up Washington. He promised to “fundamentally transform America”, and he’s done a good job.

November 4th, 2008 was a day where America sacrificed it’s collective freedom, in hopes that our newfound savior would swoop in, undue 8 years of hell from the Bush administration, and return us to the promised land. What we have gotten is crippling debt which threatens our treasury bonds, a tax code which our Democrat-led congress left town without clarifying, a health care system which focuses more on government bureaucracy and loss of personal freedom than cutting costs and ensuring top quality, and an energy path to ruin.

Keep your change, Obama. And I WILL have hope.


  1. We have entered the season of conflicting polls, and the Democrats are a little more facile' at "push polls". Funny how all over the landscape you are seing anonymous "polls" that say the Democrats aren't going to get the thrashing they expected.

    Almost none of the major polls agree with that assessment, nor the truly independent campaign experts.

    Still, I'll hold my breath.

    I am sick of holding my nose to vote ...

  2. It's getting more and more difficult to find a poll that is acceptable to your average progressive. They don't accept Rasmussen, because Scott Rasmussen is tied to Fox News. They don't accept Gallup much anymore, and they never accepted Fox News.

    Even CNN/Opinion Research, ABC News/Washington Post, Mason-Dixon, and Public Policy Polling show the libs slipping. Out of curiosity, what state are you in, Rusty?

    Thanks for checking out my page, and contributing. Interested in seeing what you have to say, extensively.

  3. I'm not sure how anyone can see Republicans or Democrats controlling anything as a victory for Americans. Ideology seems to be the only differentiating character between them. The past 20+ years have been ideological nonsense crammed down our throats from both sides of the aisle all the while taking advantage of the American public who don't pay enough attention. The money that "liberals" say are for social programs and infrastructure end up in the hands of corporations and labor unions who either did a shitty job or didn't do anything at all. The supposed "conservatives" spend just as much as the liberals while preaching fiscal responsibility, in recent years short changing our military and handing out military spending to private contractors that they are in bed with. How can you say that the right will bring about real change when they don't even have anything new to present? They've been repeating the same lies since 1994 (pretty much the polar opposite of the lies of the 2008 Obama campaign)

    Shit by any other name is still shit.

  4. Any Republican in their right mind that tells you that the last 10 years has been a display of real conservatism, has no clue what true conservatism is. Lets understand 1 thing - since the turn of the century leading into the 1900s, there has been a disease eating away at our foundation. Both parties are guilty of the sin, and the reality is, IT is to blame for everything. What's the disease? Progressivism. The progressive movement that metastasized from Europe, reached our shores. Arguably, the father of American progressivism was actually a Republican. His name? Theodore Roosevelt.

    Throughout the 20th century, progressivism found it's way further and further into our society. Woodrow Wilson created the federal reserve, and was in office when the 16th amendment was ratified. Franklin Roosevelt created social security. Lyndon Johnson presided over the creation of Medicare. George W. Bush created the Department of Homeland Security and increased spending on welfare.

    Lets face the facts, Rusty...liberals stand for furthering the progressive cause. They support socialist policies, don't give a damn about the federal deficit, work to consolidate more and more power, and wish to destroy the constitution. I'm with you on one thing - I agree that Republicans screwed up. The American people felt betrayed by the Republican party after they took over in 94, and lost their way under Bush. The Republicans paid for it dearly, losing the House and the Senate, and we have seen the dangers of 1 party rule in Washington. Allowing a radical, left-wing president who's core values are more the likes of Karl Marx than John Adams, is going to be the death of this country.

    You may not be willing to give the GOP a chance to reconcile and be the necessary check on this president, but someone HAS TO. The deficit represents a very real national security threat, and is unquestionably unsustainable. When Tea Party supported candidates pledge to slash spending, push a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget, repeal Obamacare, and allow our economy to collapse so that it can be rebuilt, I'm willing to trust them. Why? We have no other choice, because the Dems will give us more of the same. More spending, more taxing, more regulation, more control.

    That, my friend, is even less sustainable than the deficit.
