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Wednesday, November 24, 2010


As we gear up for candidate recruitment in 2011, many discounting imperfect candidates, much to their detriment

So, here we are, heading into turkey day, 3+ weeks removed from an earthquake election. Each side has had it’s chance to spin the election in the way one would expect - Republicans calling for Obama to moderate to the will of the people; Obama acting tone deaf and defiant. We now know who the next Speaker of the House will be, and who the next Minority Leader will be (hey Democrats, you do know what the definition of insanity is, don’t ya?). As freshman orientation has taken place, transition teams are in place for transfers of power at the state level, and the end of another tumultuous year nears it’s end, many speculative polls are surfacing with potential 2012 match-ups. Questions abound whether Obama will receive a primary challenge from the left (Hillary, Russ Feingold, Dennis Kucinich, Uncle Jerry), and who will comprise the slate on the GOP side. There are many options on the right, ranging from northeast Republicans Chris Christie and Mitt Romney, to southern gentlemen Haley Barbour and Rick Perry. Each individual has fine qualifications, as well as shaky skeletons in their proverbial closets. There’s Governor Mitch Daniels (R-IN), former Budget Director in the Bush administration; Governor Rick Perry (R-TX), who took over, following the election of then-Governor George W. Bush and has since been elected to a 3rd term; Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA) who showed earnest leadership in the Deepwater disaster; Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, who would represent a chance for Republicans to take Minnesota for the first time since Reagan; Governor Haley Barbour (R-MS), the outgoing chair of the Republican Governor’s Association; Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ), the bombastic Garden State leader who ‘s anti-union fervor has spiced up Republican interest nationally; former Governor Mike Huckabee (R-AR), a former Minister and current Fox personality; former Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA), who saved the 2002 Olympics; Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN); Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC); even newly elected Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL). All of these men have varying degrees of qualifications that would make him suitable for the presidency. However, the real cog in this whole ordeal could be brought about by former Governor of Alaska, and current fundraiser extraordinaire, Sarah Palin. The once-Governor, who famously was Senator John McCain’s running mate during the 2008 presidential campaign, and who quit her only term as Governor prematurely, represents a possible out for our current president.

Many Republicans are pushing a Palin nomination very strongly, touting her support for the Tea Party, her strong conservative roots, and her take charge attitude as supporting reasons to draft her, and propel her. Lets get 1 thing straight - Sarah Palin’s disapproval rating, as found in a Gallup poll released this month, was found to be 52%. That’s higher than President Obama’s disapproval rating, according to almost every poll. This same president destroyed the aspirations of our current Secretary of State, who was all but certain to become the next president of the United States 3 years ago; that is, until a certain freshman Senator from Illinois strutted his hopey-changey schpiel. By most accounts, Hillary Clinton is viewed more popular from New York to California than Ms. Palin, so why would conservatives be so gallant about supporting her? As you can grasp from the general tone of this piece, I am no fan of the former Governor. I did like her during the 2008 RNC, loved what she had to say, and thought she was great. Then I saw her debate against our veep, and started to wonder. Then, amidst controversy in her home state, she up and quit. Tell me something….did G.W. quit at any point during his 8 years? Was not his entire administration plagued by controversy and criticism? Were there not millions of people nationally that wanted him impeached, tarred, feathered? The man’s approval rating dropped below that of Obama’s, yet he stayed. If Ms. Palin is incapable of weathering a storm in her own state, how on EARTH will she manage in Washington? Not to mention the verbal bomb throwing she’s mastered as a lightning rod…don’t we already have someone of that caliber in the White House?

Arguably the top contender for the Republicans, at present, is Mitt Romney.  The slick talking, touch-of-gray, blue state Republican has a strong business acumen…but has the baggage of Romneycare, the oft-criticized health care system he passed as Governor. His socially conservative values of pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, and anti-gun control have all been questioned. Then there’s Mike Huckabee, who is very likable, but has a shady record from his time in Arkansas; raising taxes and spending, and legislating morality. And there’s Chris Christie, who’s been attacked for being a cap and tax supporter, in favor of funding alternative energy production, and gun control. But lets just take a minute, and analyze all 3 in contrast to Ms. Palin:

Mitt Romney. 1 term Governor of a blue state. Campaigned with Senator-Elect Marco Rubio. Condemns everything President Obama has done. Ms. Palin - ½ term Governor, accomplished nothing, calls people that don’t like her “bastards”.

Mike Huckabee. 2 term Governor. Supported Senator-Elect Marco Rubio. Condemns everything President Obama has done. Ms. Palin - still a ½ term Governor, with no accomplishments.

Chris Christie - 1 term Governor of a blue state. Has taken teachers union to task, and has blown up his state’s budget. Ms. Palin - still a ½ term Governor, with no accomplishments.

Getting the picture? No matter how great Sarah Palin’s rhetoric sounds….what has she done? No really, WHAT HAS SHE DONE? She was a Mayor in a small town. She was in the city council. Annnd…she was a ½ term Governor. Who quit. WHY is this not a big deal? We can attack and criticize our president for being a less-than-1-term Senator from Illinois, who did nothing but community organize, but we can’t attack and criticize Palin for quitting? People, lets get serious…if we want President Obama to be a 1 term president, if we want to repeal Obamacare BEFORE it destroys the system, if we want to end the wasteful spending, if we want to make lower taxes PERMANENT, we have to GET RID of Obama. The term RINO gets tossed around an awful lot, and it shouldn’t. Ultra conservatives love to use the term on politicians who don’t agree with them 100%. Well, I have news for them - I’m a Republican who voted for Marco Rubio, and Rick Scott, and for George Bush in 2004. That means I voted AGAINST Obama liberal Alex Sink, AGAINST flip-flopper CharLIE Crist, Obama liberal Kendrick Meek, and the traitorous, slimy John Kerry. Am I a RINO because I voted for Rudy Giuliani in 2008? Am I a RINO because I like Chris Christie and Mitt Romney?

Republicans have a beautiful opportunity to gain a nearly indestructible mandate from coast to coast, that can last the next 25 years. They will squander that opportunity if they alienate the segment of the party that chooses electability and pragmatism, in favor of lightning rod characters that are great at gaining a buck, but not great at governing. Give me a 1 term Governor who accomplished something, over a ½ term quitter who couldn’t take the heat. Each day that passes, our president becomes more and more vulnerable to defeat. If the Republican party chooses a candidate like Sarah Palin in 2 years, it will be squandering more than just an opportunity to bring the kind of change that this country needs (not the fundamental transformation that was promised); it will be squandering an opportunity to bring REAL leadership to this country. Riding the coat tails of a movement that would have picked up steam without her, makes not a true leader. Republicans, the choice is ours - lets NOT rescue defeat from the jaws of victory.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


In wake of mid-term elections, GOP and progressive left draw battle lines in the sand

A week removed from the most sweeping election in at least the last 75 years, the true realities of what has resulted are becoming more and more clear by the day - change is coming to Washington, and some are not too thrilled. Much has been made about comments uttered by Senate Minority Leader McConnell (R-KY), in which he declared the number 1 priority of the Republican party over the next 2 years is to “defeat President Obama”. MSNBC talking head (and one could argue, blithering fool) Ed Schultz lambasted Mr. McConnell. But, lets get real…is it THAT much of a shock that the Republican leader in the Senate believes his goal, and the goal of other Republicans in Congress, ought to be to ensure a Republican takes over residence in the house that Ronald Reagan called home for 8 years? Of course the leader wants to get Obama out of office. Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-NV) has already declared that the Republicans better not block legislation he brings to the floor, and that we better not get in Obama’s way. The most efficient way to derail the Obama agenda, and implement conservative policies, is to pave the way for political leaders who will further the cause.

Republicans swept Speaker Pelosi out with the rest of the filth clogging up the Capitol building, riding the coattails of an absolute repudiation of the politics of the last 2 years. But really, it goes even beyond that. Republicans lost control of the House following the 2006 mid-terms, for much the same reason that the Democrats lost control following the latest mid-terms: a failing president, who’s popularity slithered away, and a group of tenants who failed to live up to what they campaigned on. When you provide a rubber stamp for an agenda which is egregiously to the left of mainstream USA, and the people flock in droves into the streets under the Tea Party label, to protest the takeover of 1/5 of the American economy, you have no reason to NOT expect to be rebuked. Several Democrats in the House had the brass to stand up to Pelosi, and came away with a campaign victory as a result (Jason Altmire, I’m talking about you). And several others, who under normal circumstances would have cruised to re-election, surely had to have been sweating for some time last Tuesday evening (or, if you’re Ike Skelton or John Spratt…well….adios). Yet despite the Democrats having little to no pull in the House beyond December, despite Nancy Pelosi becoming irrelevant, and despite Republicans pulling to within 6 in the Senate, delusional Harry Reid has the gall to threaten us? REALLY?

Lets get some things straight. First of all, Harry Reid has 2 years left to be Majority Leader. Close to 3 dozen Senate seats are up for grabs in 2012, and half a dozen come to mind automatically as being quite vulnerable (Bill Nelson in Florida, Ben Nelson in Nebraska, Claire McCaskill in Missouri, Jim Webb in Virginia, Bob Casey in Pennsylvania, Joe Manchin in West Virginia). Among the other seats that will be vulnerable:

Jon Tester - Montana
Kent Conrad - North Dakota
Jeff Bingaman - New Mexico
Sherrod Brown - Ohio
Herb Kohl - Wisconsin

North Dakota has already gone red with John Hoeven. New Mexico just elected a Republican Governor to replace Bill Richardson. Ohio just rejected progressive liberalism, outright. Wisconsin gave Russ Feingold the boot, and after 8 years of Jim Doyle, rejected Tom Barrett. Florida said no to Obama liberal, Alex Sink, and gave total control of the state to the Republicans. One would think, in the face of total backlash, Nebraska will send Ben Nelson packing, especially after folding on Obamacare. Virginia sounded the first shots against the progressive cause by electing Bob McDonnell, and suing the federal government in the wake of Obamacare’s passage. Pennsylvania followed Ohio’s salvo, and Bob Casey is likely next.

The moral of the story is this, folks - while the perceived cunning competence of former DCCC chair Rahm Emmanuel led to the overthrowing of the Republican majority in the House; and while former DSCC chair Chuck Schumer was successful in crowning Prince Harry in 2007...the sobering reality is that both majorities were built on, to use a fitting analogy as a resident of a town built on sand, one gigantic sink hole that was activated by the most polarizing, controversial president, likely in United States history. When you develop your majorities using mainly “blue dog” Democrats, and they carry out an agenda rooted in Marxism, it makes little sense to a common man to NOT expect this result. But, that’s the sad state of politics in this country right now. The sad state that leads to elected officials, in a representative democracy, who are sent to Washington to vote with the consent of the governed, and end up governing with the consent of the thugs who are better off behind bars. When you lack the integrity to stand on principle, and instead cower to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, you get what you deserve. When nearly 50% of the electorate identifies themselves as conservative, and a mere 1 in 5 identify themselves as liberal, you get what you deserve. A repudiation of the prior administration is not an equivalent to the romanticizing of the “other side”. Nowhere is this more evident than in the historic lead by Republicans in the generic Gallup polling, despite less than stellar approval ratings.

The party of Abraham Lincoln, Dwight Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan has been returned, at least in part, to power. Not because of brilliant success, but because it stood with the people, against the progressive agenda. Progressives can attempt to insult us as being the “party of no” all they want, because in this particular instance, it happens to be the ultimate compliment. The Republicans have netted 5 governorships, a slew of state legislatures, the House of Representatives, and have essentially ensured GOP dominance for the next decade. 4 years might have convinced Prince Harry that he still has the final say, and 2 years might have convinced Mr. Obama that he has a mandate…but the results speak for themselves. The ripples of the 2010 mid-terms could roll right into 2012; and if that happens, Mr. McConnell could get his wish. The battle lines have been drawn, and if last week was any indication of the future…well, lets just say that there will no orders for drapes from ANY Democrat for a long, long time.